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REVIEW: Math from Three to Seven, by Alexander Zvonkin









Announcing VoidZero - Next Generation Toolchain for JavaScript

Vue 的作者尤雨溪宣布了一家新公司 VoidZero 的成立,目前已经筹集了 460 万美元的种子基金,计划打造下一代 JavaScript 工具链。

他们目前交付出来的产品有: OxcvitestRolldown

感兴趣还可以看看 ViteConf 2024 Replay

The best $4 ever spent

"Let's take the bus home!" my daughter said.

What a terrible idea. It would take an hour and two busses to get there, and I would most certainly get a call to come and pick up the car as soon as we'd arrive home. Terrible.

"Ok, let's do it," said I reluctantly. I know how much my daughter enjoys riding the bus. We never do it, so every time feels special.

Seeing how happy she was, it was all worth it—best $4 I've ever spent.

What's something a bit counter-intuitive you could do to delight your child this week?

P.S.: When we finally got home, it was, as anticipated, time to pick up the car. I was planning on taking a taxi but … Sophie asked if we could ride the bus back there. No regrets!


It's hard to write code for computers, but it's even harder to write code for humans

Feynman famously said: Imagine how much harder physics would be if electrons had feelings.

Getting started shouldn't be an afterthought after you built the product. Getting started is the product!


Make it possible for users to use your product on their laptop in a couple of minutes, tops.



Too many programming books and tutorials are like “let’s build a house starting from scratch, brick by brick” when what I want to “here is a functioning house, let’s learn about it by changing something and then seeing what happens”


The sad but true part of programming is, the default mode is that you're fixing an error of some sort. This means that users are going to spend the majority of the time with your tool trying to figure out what's not working.


  • Developers getting to success faster are happy developers. They will like your tool. 更快获得成功的开发人员是快乐的开发人员。他们会喜欢你的工具。
  • Developers banging their heads against errors are sad developers. They will blame your tool. 在错误面前磕头的开发人员是可悲的开发人员。他们会指责你的工具。

Put code snippets in the exceptions. Emit helpful warnings when users are likely to do something weird. Do what you got to do to make the user succeed.




Every new conceptual thing you have to understand before using the tool makes is a new friction point. If it's 2-3 things, that's fine. But no one is going to bother learning 8 new concepts.

在使用工具之前,你必须了解的每一个新概念东西都是一个新的摩擦点。如果是 2-3 个东西,那还好。但是没有人会去费心学习 8 个新概念。

避免概念过载,降低用户的心智负担。关于心智负担,可以看看 Cognitive Load is what matters

Somewhat related to the previous point, let's say in your framework you introduce a thing that takes some values and evalutes to a new values. What do you call it? A compute node? A valuator? A frobniscator?

No! You call it a function!



If it walks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck.


Calling it a function means you latch onto a users pre-existing mental model of what a function does. Which will save you like, 90% of the explanation of how to think about this object.

将其称为函数意味着你抓住了用户关于函数作用的已有心智模型。这将省去 90% 的解释工作,让你知道如何看待这个对象。

Unless defaults apply in 97%+ of the time, and unless magic applies 99% of the time, be careful about introducing it. These are not exact numbers obviously, but my point is, you need to be very very judicious.

除非在 97% 以上的情况下使用默认设置,除非在 99% 的情况下使用特殊方法,否则在引入时一定要小心谨慎。这些显然不是精确的数字,但我想说的是,你需要非常非常谨慎。

I sometimes think the challenge of designing for the 1st time user is similar to making a pop song. The producer will listen to the song a thousand times. But still the 999th time they hear it, they need to imagine what it sounds like to a person that hears it the first time, which seems… super hard.

我有时认为,为第一次使用的用户进行设计所面临的挑战与制作一首流行歌曲类似。制作人会听上千遍这首歌。但在第 999 次听到这首歌时,他们仍需要想象第一次听到这首歌的人听起来是什么感觉,这似乎……超级困难。

Too much efficiency makes everything worse: overfitting and the strong version of Goodhart's law

Increased efficiency can sometimes, counterintuitively, lead to worse outcomes. This is true almost everywhere. We will name this phenomenon the strong version of Goodhart's law. As one example, more efficient centralized tracking of student progress by standardized testing seems like such a good idea that well-intentioned laws mandate it. However, testing also incentivizes schools to focus more on teaching students to test well, and less on teaching broadly useful skills. As a result, it can cause overall educational outcomes to become worse.






Any observed statistical regularity will tend to collapse once pressure is placed upon it for control purposes.


Goodhart's law

On the design of text editors



Literate Programming


I believe that the time is ripe for significantly better documentation of programs, and that we can best achieve this by considering programs to be works of literature. Hence, my title: "Literate Programming."


Let us change our traditional attitude to the construction of programs: Instead of imagining that our main task is to instruct a computer what to do, let us concentrate rather on explaining to human beings what we want a computer to do.


– Donald Knuth. "Literate Programming (1984)" in Literate Programming. CSLI, 1992, pg. 99.

Building a robust frontend using progressive enhancement

Progressive enhancement is a way of building websites and applications based on the idea that you should make your page work with HTML first.

Only after this can you add anything else like Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript.

渐进增强是一种构建网站和应用程序的方法,它基于这样一种理念,即首先要让页面使用 HTML 运行。

然后才能添加其他内容,如 CSS 和 JavaScript。


Progressive enhancement means building the interface of a website or application in layers. If the user’s browser only supports HTML they get content and forms. If the user’s browser also supports styles and fonts the application looks better. If it can run JavaScript the user gains extra interactions. Only the core HTML though is required in order to meet users’ basic needs.




如果它能运行 JavaScript ,用户就能获得额外的交互。

满足用户的基本需求只需要核心的 HTML。

Why we use progressive enhancement to build GOV.UK

Being Raised by the Internet

They may not have set out to share out of altrusitic motivations. I am certain they never intended to inspire a 12 year-old kid to find a better life. But it doesn't matter their motivations. They changed my life. All I can say is thank you. Thank you for sharing your work. Thank you for your blogs posts, your tutorials, thank you for your slashdot comments, for your posts on digg. No matter how small your contribution, it mattered to me. You changed my life. Thank you.


我确信他们从未想过要激励一个 12 岁的孩子去寻找更美好的生活。


感谢你们分享自己的作品。感谢你们的博客文章、教程,感谢你们在 slashdot 上的评论,感谢你们在 digg 上的文章。


ESLint now officially supports linting of JSON and Markdown

Eslint 现在可以 lint JSON 和 Markdown 了,真不错。


Linux From Scratch

Linux From Scratch (LFS) is a project that provides you with step-by-step instructions for building your own custom Linux system, entirely from source code.

Moving from utterances to giscus

前阵子将评论系统从 utterances 换成了 giscus,参考了这篇文章。

原来 utterances 生成的 issues 可以批量转换成 giscus 的 discussions。(参考 Converting issues based on labels

[YouTube]Bundling Past, Present, and Future

关于 bundle 工具的过去、现在和未来。

Unleash JavaScript's Potential with Functional Programming

JS 函数式编程入门,非常多的概念,准备好一杯咖啡再慢慢看吧 :P


How To Manage Dangerous Actions In User Interfaces


Therefore, a dangerous action does not necessarily mean deleting something.

Some examples may include the following:

  • Sending an email
  • Placing an order
  • Publishing a post
  • Making a bank transaction
  • Granting or revoking permissions.

一种常见的交互是 Modal,在使用 Modal 的时候最好详细描述操作的影响,而不是仅仅一句“你确定吗”,让人摸不着头脑。

有时只是让用户确认还不够,可能还需要用户输入一些内容才允许完成操作,例如 GitHub 删除 Repo 时的交互。


  • Danger Zone
  • Inline Guards
  • Two-factor Authorization Confirmation
  • Second-person Confirmation (类似 Pull request,需要另一个人的审批)


How to Make a “Scroll to Select” Form Control

作者实现了一种滚动选择元素的组件,类似 select。

用到了 overscroll-behaviorscroll-snap-typeIntersection Observer API 等。

SVG Coding Examples: Useful Recipes For Writing Vectors By Hand

结合 JS 去绘制 SVG,将一些 SVG 的变量抽离出来定义,用 JS 计算,这样手写 SVG 就会相对容易一点。

[YouTube]Dynamic numbering with CSS counters

关于 counter() 的一些用法,但是其实 list-style 也能实现类似的功能。

Building the Perfect Logo Strip

logo 的高度宽度都不太相同,当把多个 logo 放在一起做成 logo 条的时候,如何让不同 logo 保持视觉上的平衡?

文章提出一种基于 logo 长宽比调整高度的方法。

Cool Bit

make meplse


CSS Music Video - No Images - Pure Code.

一个用 CSS 实现的音乐视频。

Getting my daily news from a dot matrix printer




NotebookLM’s automatically generated podcasts are surprisingly effective

Google 的一个产品,将一些资料喂给它,它可以生成一段很逼真的播客。

炊紙 kashikishi

炊紙(kashikishi) is a text editor that utilizes GPU to edit text in a 3D space.


Tool | Library






Superdiff compares two arrays or objects and returns a full diff of their differences in a readable format.

Simple Git

A light weight interface for running git commands in any node.js application.


Beautiful color gradients in terminal output.

Ridiculously simple and lightweight placeholders

图片占位工具,类似的还有 temp.im


mitata is a powerful JavaScript benchmarking library with ascii visualizations, automatic garbage collection, and built-in confirmation bias

The Data Visualisation Catalogue







前阵子看了《为什么他们的歌总是让人难过?Radiohead伤心三部曲 第二集丨HOPICO》,又把 Radiohead 找出来听了听。

很喜欢他们那张《In Rainbows》,器乐和旋律带来的听感很丰富。


Author: Spike Leung

Date: 2024-10-07 Mon 00:00

License: CC BY-NC 4.0